WisdomKeeper Consultations

“For years, I’ve saved every one of T’s e-mails in a ‘wisdom book’
I keep — her insights are priceless!”

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Confidential Email Form

    Confidential E-mail Session Form

    E-mail & Phone Sessions

    THE WISDOM WE SEEK waits within us… but sometimes we need a little nudge to find it.

    E-MAIL SESSIONS: *(Pre-paid) Enjoy an invaluable (yet so affordable!) private e-mail session with Teryl anytime you choose. Just complete the absolutely confidential session form and wait for T’s timely e-response. *(usually within 3-5 days)
    E-MAIL SESSION: $45 *(Pre-paid) per submission

    PHONE SESSIONS: (Pre-paid) Call Teryl: 541-600-8867 *(Pacific Time) to schedule a convenient date & time
    PHONE SESSION: $75 *(Pre-paid, up to 60 min.) per call

    WisdomKeeper Options